FAQ / Fees

My Fees

Choosing counselling or psychotherapy can be confusing. So here is some information about my service and how it works.

  • Counselling / psychotherapy is offered on a one-to-one basis and usually lasts for 50 minutes.
  • Workplace and clinical supervision is usually offered between 60 - 90 minutes.
  • Pastoral supervision/ accompaniment is offered on a one to one basis or in a small group and the timings and frequency will be agreed together.
  • Counselling sessions will usually be at the same time on the same day each week, while workplace and clinical supervision is more flexible.
  • It may be appropriate to agree for the sessions to be more frequent or less frequent, or for a time limited number of sessions. This can be discussed at your initial session. Throughout our work together there is the opportunity to review these arrangements. 
  • I am able to offer either face to face and online counselling and supervision or a combination of both.

If you have any further questions do please contact me.

Usual fees for counselling and psychotherapy

At your Initial consultation we will discuss the fees for the counselling service.

Currently, my fees are as follows:

£55.00 Initial Consultation

Fees then range from £55.00 to £70.00 (£80.00 for London work) per counselling/psychotherapy session.

Workplace, clinical and pastoral supervision sessions are as follows:

£65 per hour

£95 per  1.5 hours

£130.00 per 2 hours (group - 4 people max)


I understand that confidentiality may be a sensitive issue for clients. I seek to offer the highest level of confidentiality consistent with the law and the UKCP guidelines.

My Professional Standards

I have professional insurance and I am registered with the United Kingdom Council of Psychotherapy (UKCP) and work in in compliance with the UKCP code of Ethics.

I am listed on The Minster Centre Register as a Recognised Supervisor ( RS)

I have regular supervision in accordance with the requirements of my professional organisations.  


Psychotherapy, Counselling and Supervision.

Hertfordshire Bedfordshire and Rutland

e: jane@janeknights.co.uk

t:  07775212198